Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Bday lil girl

So today is my other lil dog's birthday. A big whopping 2 years old. I remember when she was this little timid thing (left). So cute and innocent. And now? Though this picture certainly doesn't show it, she is this tough, snorting, bruiser, who regularly (yet lovingly) beats the crap out of our other dog.

She is also fond of chasing the neighborhood construction workers down the street. She's always quite miffed when they laugh at her, instead of cowering in fear. This dog has personality and attitude to spare!

Happy Birthday Izzie. May your day be filled with what you love best....tummy rubs, string cheese, and kickin' ass.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Everything South Park!

Yesterday Comedy Central and the creators of South Park announced the launch of South Park Studios. The mega-site has full episodes of every South Park show ever created...that can be viewed for the low, low price of free!

Go check it out! Check it out now, Mmm'kay?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Political Incorrectness

From the same peoplez that brought you the adorable, yet grammatically incorrect, Icanhascheezburger and Ihasahotdog sites is the new Pundit Kitchen!

Check out the posted pics, or make one of your own. Nothing is more American than making snarky comments about politicians, right? Especially when they give us so much material to work with.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Peep Show!

Ha ha! I never thought of going burlesque with the Peeps. However, I highly recommend buying a package of these nasty heaps of marshmallow grossness and try melting them in the microwave. Just to watch them bloat with the heat then dry in contorted freakish lumps is fairly entertaining. Don't judge me.

Photo courtesy of Cute Overload.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Bday lil dude

Happy Birthday Jasper! For 3 years you've made me laugh. Usually at you, not with you, but much needed laughter on a daily basis. You never cease to amaze me with your unrelenting energy and quest for affection.

I think people can learn a lot from dogs. Maybe not the sniffing others' butts as a way of saying hello thing, but learning to savor the simple things in life like chasing a ball, enjoying a nap, going to the beach, having some cheese, or snuggling up close.

Happy St. Patty's Day!

The best rendition of this song I've ever heard...

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Published (without permission) is a poem I recently came across. It was written by my little brother (now 34) when he was barely 9 years old. It is entitled "Feelings," and unfortunately is about yours truly. I still love ya, little bro. :)

Please to enjoy...


Today I feel angry,
and maybe even dumb.
But I certainly feel astonished,
because my sister is a big fat scum.

Though I've been sad and glad and bad,
and my sister really makes me mad.
But when I come home and she's very shocked,
I get socked.

And she likes to be very bad,
she might just like me a bit or a tad.
I really don't like my sister so much,
but she needs a brain surgery or something or such.

Monday, March 3, 2008


This week is officially National Procrastination Week. Once again, I'm so ahead of the curve, because I didn't really do jack crap last week. Good to know there are US holidays (albeit unofficial) that celebrate slack. And we wonder why multi-billion dollar contracts (Boeing) get awarded to foreign companies.

Stephen understands

I'm glad to see that Stephen Colbert treated last week's 3-hour Starbuck's closure with the level of indignation it deserved.

In the words of Chris Rock, I don't condone it, but I understand.

Update: Arrgghh...YouTube took down my link. Here is the same link on the Comedy Central site. Enjoy!