Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas a Box

1. Cut a hole in a box.
2. Put your junk in that box....
3. Please to enjoy this holiday classic from SNL.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

First Snow O' the Year

Yeah, I know it's nuts that I still get excited about snow. Especially since I spent part of my misguided youth having to walk to school (uphill both ways) in deep Michigan snow.

Below are some pics of our yard in the snow. It was mostly an excuse to use my...errr, camera. We got a great deal on a Nikon D40x from friends, and as this is my first non-point and shoot type camera, it's going to be fun to explore.

Snow-covered gargantuan flax plants. And Izzie making sure nobody is messing with our yard.
Our fountain, with a 1" frozen layer of ice in each section.
Snapdragons I planted this summer that refuse to die, even in snow.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

For the Birds

If you don't live in Washington state, you've probably never seen this commercial for the Washington State Lottery. It's cute. But I have a feeling that the bird at the end of the clip is responsible for the ginormous streak of shidoobee that now adorns half my home office window (yep, 2nd story office window that will be hard to clean).

Monday, December 8, 2008

This Week in Celebrity Randomness

Wow. Remember Ralphie from the Christmas classic A Christmas Story? Well Ralphie has grown up into a big ball of blue-eyed, dimpled hotness! He didn't even take the detour of crack addiction that most child actors seem to gravitate towards. At least, not that I know of.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


And don't ask me to 'splain it to you, either.

Photo courtesy of Natalie Dee.

Sometimes kids tell (or draw) it like it is...

By the way, that's supposedly the mommy with a snow shovel at the Home Depot, not workin' the pole. But frankly, I've never seen dudes surrounding a woman at Home Depot flashing a bunch of dollar bills.

Photo courtesy of FailBlog.

Insane Candy Architecture!

This last weekend, the thought of "gee, wouldn't it be fun to make a gingerbread house?" briefly entered my mind. So, today while having a few free moments, I decided to Google some photos for inspiration. And lo and behold, I come across this amazing online photo gallery of an entire gingerbread village!

Seriously, these are the most amazing gingerbread anything I've ever seen. Anywhere. Ever. And now, my perfectionist self knows that surely I'd never create anything a fraction as awesome as these, so I won't try at all. But if I had like 2000 pounds of assorted candy and 3 months of free time, these are totally the gingerbread houses I would make!