Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mr. Preston and the City!

Yep, the full length Sex and the City trailer has been released! Yay! And the best part? Mr. Big (the original McDreamy) has a last name. And you know what it is? My last name. Ha! I suppose I could officially refer to myself as Ms. Big now. But people might think it refers to my thighs and that would make me sad. :( Anyway, I digress.

The clips that have previously been released of the SATC movie so far have made it look like a tacky crapfest that I would have to watch because I'm a diehard fan, but certainly not enjoy. But I have to say this trailer looks pretty freakin fanstastic. I sooooo can't wait until May 30th!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Fishes & Frog

My excitement for this afternoon consisted of changing out the gravel and adding a "bubbler" to the small three gallon aquarium that sits on our kitchen counter.  It was truly entertaining. Truly.

To be honest, this aquarium has been sort of a pain in my butt since we (we meaning I, much to my husbands dismay) got it in October. A smaller tank requires much more work than a larger tank because the water can go bad so quickly. Plus we bought a first round of fish from a chain pet store that quickly died. My stepson dubbed the first round of fish, Jerry, Elaine and George. Then we got a small frog, Kramer. Within days George apparently got pregnant and subsequently died. And I think Elaine may have eaten part of Jerry, not sure. The only remaining part of the original "cast" is Kramer, the frog. Kramer likes to sneak up on his tankmates and ram them with his head. He has killed off several fish this way. The team in there now seems to get along, but we shall see.

Speaking of the frog, he is apparently a big fan of the "bubbler." He has spent the majority of the afternoon backing his butt onto the bubbles, swimming away, then repeating. Seems like good times.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Nothin' Says Lovin' Like....

An IPhone!  It would appear I've officially drunk the kool-aid on everything made by Apple Computers.

To celebrate our one year wedding anniversary this Sunday the 17th, my husband and I got his-n-hers matching 16GB IPhones. While, clearly gadgets are totally romantic, I have to say I was a bit skeptical at first. For one, there will probably be a new version out next week, right? For two, wouldn't it be more phone than I needed?  No way! This phone literally does everything. I bet it could balance your checkbook, while simultaneously giving you a pedicure and solving global socioeconomic maladies! Yep, it's that good. It is like the Mother Theresa of phones. But shiny and not dead. Seriously, the only way this phone could get better is if it had a GPS cupcake finder. It's a girl thing.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Air travel and a BJ

Lately I do so little flying that I decided to upgrade to first class yesterday on my flight back to Seattle. Believe it or not, even though I used to travel for work quite often - it was always within California, so yesterday represented my first ever first class trip. So now I sorta understand what all the fuss is about. Basically, flying first class means they treat you the way you should be treated on an airplane anyways. The extra leg room was nice, the free alcohol didn't hurt, but what impressed me most was that the flight staff treated you like...oh, I dunno....a human.

Oh, and about the BJ. As I was killing time walking around SFO, I saw the actor, BJ Novak. He plays Ryan on the Office, and also writes/produces for the show. He's actually much cuter in person, although I was tired. I wasn't quite sure it was him, but a few moments later, three of us quickly decided it was, indeed, BJ. Although you sort of have to watch your use of that term in the San Francisco airport, because multiple heads whipped around with curiosity at the mention of BJ.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

You could do worse...

Watch this Sarah Silverman clip to see what I mean. She cracks me up.