Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just because

Just random cuteness of a bunny stealing a cookie.

Reminded me of a bunny I had as a kid. It's name was Cookie and it was a white rabbit. We also had a Westie named Willie. Willie's problem was that he "knew" the word "cookie" to mean he was going to get a treat, so he'd get all riled up anytime you talked to the rabbit. Ahh, hilarity ensued...well, maybe because I was about 7 years old it was totally hilarious. Really not that funny now. Oh well.

I think the heat is making me punchy. Did I mention it is over 100 degrees in the Seattle area today? Oh, and it was yesterday also. And it will be for the next few days. And it is muggy and humid too - just general ickiness.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary Man on the Moon

So, if you've watched TV at all this week, somewhere in between the coverage of Michael Jackson's death, and Walter Cronkite's death, was coverage of how today is the 40th anniversary of man stepping foot on the moon. I, of course, don't remember this from when it happened live because I wasn't born yet. I do, however, remember when a man on the moon was the MTV logo (see picture). That was back when MTV (Music TV) had actual music that was played on the network, but I digress.

The most disturbing factoid about the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, a fact that I just realized today, is that I was born roughly 9 months after the moon landing. Why you say is that disturbing? Well, consider this. My older sister was born 9 months after the assasination of JFK. My mother always joked that there was nothing but coverage of JFK on TV for days when that happened and they got bored. Whoa! When the moon landing was on TV, I'm assuming that hogged the airwaves as well. And it would appear that when my parents had their fill of breaking news, their fall back recreational activity of choice was procreation. Ack! Must erase visual of my parents doin' the deed in the 60s. You know it involved some cat glasses (on my mother's part), and some Aqua Velva cologne (on my dad's part), and probably some Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass all over the turn table. Ack!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Tastiest Iphone

An Iphone made entirely of cupcakes! Two great things that go great together!

Speaking of Iphone, I've officially had my new Iphone 3GS for a few weeks now and I have to say it's pretty sweet. I had the original Iphone, but never updated to the 3G last year, so I got the deal on the 3GS.

The 3GS is definitely faster, cuter, etc. and all that other techy stuff I should appreciate. My fave apps these days, in no particular order: Facebook, OmniFocus, PhoneFlicks (Netflix), Word Warp, NetNewsWire, and FML.

Apparently what Willis was talkin' about....

70s sitcom marvel or 2000s building namesake? Why not both? In a brilliant move of nostalgia, Sears tower in Chicago was officially renamed this week in honor of Willis from the 1970s sitcom Diff'rent Strokes.

I shall patiently await further namings of monuments based on sitcoms from my youth. Top on my list? Anything named after anything having to do with The Brady Bunch. Runners up? Anything named after Three's Company, Charlie's Angels, Family Ties, or Growing Pains. Stranger things have happened!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July. However you choose to celebrate.

Picture courtesy of Colbert Nation. He IS America, haven't you heard?