Friday, June 20, 2008

Save Yourselves!

As if you don't have enough to worry about with what's in your food, now you have to worry about where it came from, and is it going to kill you.

Of course I'm about a week behind on this breaking news, but if you rely on me for your breaking news.....first of all, don't. Second of all...don't eat tomatoes!

Word on the street is that a bunch of tomatoes got tainted with Salmonella, which I always thought came from raw poultry. Either growers have been rubbing their tomatoes (which appear to be a vegetable, but are technically a fruit, which makes them weird) on raw chicken, or there are other freakish acts going on that you really don't want to know about. And believe me, I could tell you some freaky tomato stories. Read the next paragraph at your own risk.

Back in the early 90s when I did conference planning for a water industry association down in California, I had the pleasure (??) of touring a wastewater treatment plant. Yep, the place where what you flush down your toilet goes. Surprisingly it smelled of fresh laundry, but I digress. Anyhoo...while touring the outside part of the plant and seeing (albeit from a distance) the huge piles of "biosolids," I noticed plants growing on the piles. When I asked I was told they were tomato plants. My knowledgeable guide informed me that tomato seeds are the only plant seeds to survive the human digestion process. So apparently they come out and are good to go for growing new tomatoes. I'm not saying this is how they get the tomatoes for McDonalds, but you never know, eh?

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