Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Splish, Splash, Sigh

Yet another ramification of nobody paying me $400,000 for anything (as lamented upon in yesterday's post) is that, alas, I cannot afford the bathtub that should rightfully be mine.

I do have a soaking tub, which I use fairly frequently, but it seems so downright sad when compared to the $47,000 Red Diamond Bathtub. Not only does my bathtub not have swarovski crystal-encrusted champagne holders (weep for me) and a built-in massage system, but my tub doesn't have even one retractable HDTV monitor, let alone two. And even though I have an Iphone, my inadequate and technology-challenged tub can't receive calls to activate itself via a built-in GSM module.

Because I know this tale of unjust deprivation will strike a chord with so many of my readers (admit it, you won't be able to sleep at night), I'm fully prepared to set up a fund for donations towards my worthy cause.

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