Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Squirrel smarty

Yep, even a squirrel won't vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. And I bet little squirrel dude doesn't go around saying the economy is fundamentally sound, or saying he has foreign policy experience because he can see Russia from his tree. I'm just saying.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Holly Hobbie....

When I was in kindergarten and had the chicken pox, my daddy bought me the Holly Hobbie gazebo to use with all my Holly Hobbie dolls. Score! Back in those days (mid-70s), Holly Hobbie was the symbol of cute and modest innocence. She resembled Laura Ingles Wilder from the Little House on the Prairie series, and had a series of friends in her own image.

Cut to 30 years later. Still named Holly Hobbie, the doll now looks like a cross between Barbie and a Bratz doll. She dresses in jeans instead of a dress, she appears to have make-up and hair extensions, and her signature bonnet has been replaced with a cap. WTF? I doubt they still play in a gazebo. The accompanying friends probably look more like Amy Winehouse, and you can buy little crystal meth accessories to use when you take them to the Holly Hobbie Rave party.

Feeling old....so old.

Never understood why....

Yeah, I never got why it was called a beaver, either. Anybody want to explain?

Another fab cartoon from NatalieDee.com.

P.S. Isn't talking about beaver much more entertaining than talking about the economy?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's weak this week - TV edition

1. Cloris Leachman on ABC's Dancing with the Stars. Watching an 82-year old woman (no matter how talented an actress) do a Latin Mambo in spandex and sequins is akin to watching your grandma receive a bikini wax. Yep, nobody needs to see that.

2. Man boobs. After watching several seasons of NBC's The Biggest Loser, I'm still puzzled as to why the men must take off their shirt before getting on that big scale. It's been reported that the scale is fake, and everyone is weighed in before the show tapes, so removing clothes and revealing big fat man boobies is not only unneccesary, but massively icky. It is also quite the double standard. I mean didn't Janet Jackson receive endless flack for revealing only one pasty-clad boob during a Superbowl? And Janet's boob was much smaller than the man tits on some of these 300+ pound guys. And The Biggest Loser's producers don't just give a quick nip slip sort of shot at the man boobs, rather it is extended past the point of being able to look away. And heaven forbid the naked man boob guy gets happy and jumps around and those bad boys start flopping. It's not good, folks.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pledge of Allegiance...you're doin it wrong

This morning I found myself at my first Middle School PTA meeting (yeah, I do that sorta thing now) and at the beginning of the meeting, they asked us to stand for the pledge of allegiance. Since I don't go to many pro sporting events, I'm out of practice. Wait, is it the Pledge of Allegiance at sporting events or the National Anthem? At any rate, I'm apparently a terrorist or something because, first of all, I initially put my hand on the wrong side of my chest. I quickly corrected this, pretending there was a fuzz on my shirt or something. Smooth, eh? Then the recitation starts....

I pledge of allegiance to the flag, of the ..... ..... ... ...... (for serious, I forgot that part) and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, ................... (forgot that part too, and figured since it said God, the last word had to be Amen....which it was not).

At least I wasn't as bad as the phallic-eared bunny in the Matt Groening cartoon below. Man, I forgot about those Life in Hell cartoon strips. I used to have multiple books of them back in the 80s. They were snarky and cynical and good. Maybe that is why I turned out the way I did.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Republican Recap

Yep, I realize I'm over a week late on coverage of the Republican National Convention (RNC). But, as my mama taught me, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Today someone forwarded me some brilliant coverage of the RNC that I somehow missed. By somehow, I mean that lately I go to bed way before Late Night with Conan O'Brien is on the air.

So for your viewing pleasure, below are links to the three-part report extraordinaire from the RNC with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (above, with creator Robert Smigel). The links are from the NBC website (vs. YouTube), so sorry about the commercials, but NBC promptly removes its content from YouTube.

Part 1

Part 2 (my fave)

Part 3

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Nothing like seeing something this shameful to make you feel better about your own diet, right? Any even remotely bad food choice I've made in the last week seems so gastronomically superior if you compare it to the "Krispy Kreme Burger."

This gluttonous burger is supposedly making the rounds at ballpark concession stands. It consists of a cheddar and bacon cheeseburger between two Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. Ummm...eww? Isn't that just like a big 'F*** you!' to your body?

Apparently chef Paula Deen is also a fan. And everyone knows that the Southern Mrs. Deen doesn't even pretend to cook anything that remotely resembles healthy food. I swear she uses a pound of butter on everything. Then again, didn't Julia Child cook that way too? And she lived to be 91! And was a spy! What's up with that? By the way, I was never a big Julia fan, but the book about her, My Life in France, is a good read. She was completely obsessed with the art of cooking.

Thursday, September 4, 2008