Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Nothing like seeing something this shameful to make you feel better about your own diet, right? Any even remotely bad food choice I've made in the last week seems so gastronomically superior if you compare it to the "Krispy Kreme Burger."

This gluttonous burger is supposedly making the rounds at ballpark concession stands. It consists of a cheddar and bacon cheeseburger between two Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. Ummm...eww? Isn't that just like a big 'F*** you!' to your body?

Apparently chef Paula Deen is also a fan. And everyone knows that the Southern Mrs. Deen doesn't even pretend to cook anything that remotely resembles healthy food. I swear she uses a pound of butter on everything. Then again, didn't Julia Child cook that way too? And she lived to be 91! And was a spy! What's up with that? By the way, I was never a big Julia fan, but the book about her, My Life in France, is a good read. She was completely obsessed with the art of cooking.

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