Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pledge of Allegiance...you're doin it wrong

This morning I found myself at my first Middle School PTA meeting (yeah, I do that sorta thing now) and at the beginning of the meeting, they asked us to stand for the pledge of allegiance. Since I don't go to many pro sporting events, I'm out of practice. Wait, is it the Pledge of Allegiance at sporting events or the National Anthem? At any rate, I'm apparently a terrorist or something because, first of all, I initially put my hand on the wrong side of my chest. I quickly corrected this, pretending there was a fuzz on my shirt or something. Smooth, eh? Then the recitation starts....

I pledge of allegiance to the flag, of the ..... ..... ... ...... (for serious, I forgot that part) and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, ................... (forgot that part too, and figured since it said God, the last word had to be Amen....which it was not).

At least I wasn't as bad as the phallic-eared bunny in the Matt Groening cartoon below. Man, I forgot about those Life in Hell cartoon strips. I used to have multiple books of them back in the 80s. They were snarky and cynical and good. Maybe that is why I turned out the way I did.

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