Sunday, November 16, 2008

Political Sigh of Relief

Have you heard? We elected a new president?

Oh man, I could not be more glad that the presidential election is over. It was almost 2 years of constant in-yer-face ads, debates, etc. and it made me sad. If all that money that was spent on campaigning was spent on helping the things that need helping in this country, well....we'd be a lot better off.

On a serious note, I've been sleeping better knowing that Obama is in charge, or will be shortly. There have been very few politicians in my life that I felt this way about. Hmm...not sure I can name any, to be honest. In the past I voted due to a sense of peer pressure (foolishly busted my voter cherry on Dukakis in 1988), or I didn't vote at all (never voted for Clinton). Or there were the years that I voted for the dudes (Gore, Kerry), just because I didn't want the other jackass (Bush) to win. This year I seriously felt that rush of "Hope" that has been making its way around our country. Hope that we can turn this country around, even though it will take some time and a lot of hard work.

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