Tuesday, December 18, 2007


In an effort to support global warming trends that seek to reduce the effects of mass consumerism, I'm wholeheartedly in support of regifting....provided you aren't retarded about it. Let me explain.

1. If you receive a gift that you hate so much that you don't want it in your home, then decide you rather inflict it on a loved one than give it to Goodwill, then you are retarded. Why? Gifts reflect on you and your personal style. Tacky, fugly, bullshit gifts don't become any better when you are the giver versus the recipient. Remember how you felt when you got the item? Yep, now someone else feels that way too.

2. If the item is mildly nice and just not your thing, remember who gave it to you. Do not regift it to any members of their immediate family, or you are retarded. Chances are the gift may have actually originally come from one of their family members.

3. As thrifty as it may seem, if the item is a book, dvd, cd, etc., do not read/watch/copy it then pass it on to someone else. This isn't really retarded, it just shows you are cheap.

4. If going to a party where the gift will be opened in front of many others, you have to consider where this regifted item has been. Sort of like back in the day when you had to worry about where your date had been, and all they people they had been with, etc. Yep, a badly regifted item is like a venereal disease that could make the rounds if you don't know where your "package" has been.

5. Brilliant regifting involves taking a wonderful item from your home and passing it along to someone who has commented on how much he or she liked it. My sister is a master at this! Her talent for this comes more from her graciousness and giving nature than her lack of planning. However, if you have a friend that is a bad planner and always a last minute shopper, it may be in your best interest to occasionally point out crap in their house that you'd love to have. This could pay back in spades.

Happy regifting!

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