Thursday, December 20, 2007


More and more you hear about the world's fascination with gossip and the need to keep tabs on the exploits of various celebutards. Why does this fascinate us? For me, I get a good chuckle out of reading the snarky tabloid blogs that poke fun at the self-induced misfortune of others. Is this wrong? It's not that I care whether Britney Spear's kid sister is knocked up, or Orlando Bloom painted his house black, or the heiress of the month forgot her panties again, but I do believe it to be mildly entertaining. I don't have any real life friends that go on drunken car chases or are in and out of rehab, so it not for Lindsay, how would I know how hilarious some of that could be?

A few of my favorite snarky fixes include:
1. Evil Beet - superbly snarky blog!
2. The Soup - a weekly show that catches me up on all the shows I'd be too embarrassed to watch regularly. Somehow just viewing the clips of these trainwrecks makes it acceptable.
3. Chelsea Handler - Her nightly show Chelsea Lately is a Tivo must. Snarky wit at its timeliest.
4. - Fun blog with fashion too!

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