Monday, December 31, 2007

Toodles to 2007

Well another year has come and gone. Is it just me, or does this happen much faster than it used to?

In my 20s, New Year's Eve was a night of getting drunkity drunk drunk, and having the excuse to kiss multiple boys at midnight without being tarty. Aside from the year of getting locked in an elevator for most of the evening, those were pretty good times. Man, times have sure changed.

This New Year's Eve will be about eating pizza (gotta get in those greasy carbs before my new diet tomorrow!) and watching movie in my jammies with my husband, stepson, and 2 doggies. Since I don't really drink anymore, there will be no drunkity drunk drunk. And since my husband I'm sure would frown on me kissing a buncha boys at midnight, I gotta find something new to mark the evening. Got any suggestions? I'm thinking it's a toss up between streaking through the new development section of our neighborhood (make those fools regret paying what they did for their homes), or maybe I could go old school (a'la 7th grade) and prank call some boys (that was also good times!).

Whatever you decide to do this New Year's Eve, may you find your own definition of "good times" in a way that is safe and enjoyable!

Happy New Years!!

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