Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year & Football?

Apparently this is the year I watch sports. I've watched more sports in the last week than I have the whole year. Not sure what that is about.

Ok, to catch you up on all my sensible highlights, here is what I saw.

1. On Saturday night there was some game with the undefeated New England Patriots and some other team, that, well, got defeated, so it doesn't matter who they were. This game was to dudes what the Academy Awards show is to chicks, i.e., must see tv. Except there was no red carpet - you don't get to see what the players are wearing beforehand. Then when they are on the field, they are all dressed the same - tight football pants. Not that I'm complaining or anything. All in all, it was a fun game to watch.

2. On Sunday, I watched the Seahawks play some team that I'm forgetting, but I know their quarterback used to be Michael Vick - before he went to jail for fighting and killing doggies, that is. So, apparently, the new quarterback doesn't kill animals or anything, and he seemed to be quite good. They sort of made the Seattle Seahawks look like losers. Oh wait, they were losers. Oh well. Nobody said I had to root for the home team. Although.....they DID go to the Superbowl the first season I moved here, so my presence must bring out some sort of excellence in them, don't you think?

3. Sunday evening I watched some random ass Sunday Night Football. I didn't even know the teams, or care to know the teams, but we watched anyway. Payton Manning was one of the quarterbacks. I remember him because his name sounds like it should be in a Jackie Collins novel or something. Not that I read those. But not that there is anything wrong with that. Anyway, the game was decent and the team that people want to win, won. So there.

4. This one has nothing to do with football, other than it was played on a football field. It was a NHL hockey game played outside (outside!) on a frozen over football field amid frigid temperatures and a constant deluge of snow. Apparently, it was the first NHL hockey game ever played outside. And I'm betting as soon as the NHL muckity muck dudes that were there regain feeling in their frozen nutsacks, they will decide it was also the last NHL hockey game ever played outside. I'm just saying.

(Image courtesy of ImageChef)

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