Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year Recap

So, I know you're all dying to know what I actually did for New Year's Eve. I have to admit to chickening out on the streaking the neighborhood thing. Probably better for all involved, I must say. My New Year's Eve was spent in jammies watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Man, I hadn't seen that movie in ages. My stepson had never seen it, and my husband hadn't seen it since it was in the theater (sorta aging him there, aren't I?).

We did manage to stay up until midnight for the televised fireworks from the Seattle Space Needle. Uggh. Apparently they had the detonators running on Microsoft Vista or something because the system died...not once, but twice. Then all the fireworks had to be set off by hand because the computer system never did get back up and running. Good promo for Microsoft, eh?

Oh, and I should probably share my latest. Because I tend to be such a trend setter and think outside the box and all, I decided to start a diet on January 1st. I wonder why nobody else ever thought of that? Anyway, I'm back to ultra low-carb, which is going to severely affect my Starbucks habit of having a cookie with my sugar-free vanilla latte, but oh well. I'm always reminded of my friend Holly's story about the desperation of being on low-carb for about a week that caused her to eat a lord-knows-how-old M&M she found on the floor of her car. I'd like to think I'm more sensible than that. Besides, we have dog cookies in the glove compartment should the need arise.

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