Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Apparently Smurfs are turning 50! Whaat? I thought this cartoon came out when I was a kid. I guess it did, but the concept of Smurfs has been around 50 years! That's just crazy.

And now an animated feature film is in the works. Want to know what's new with movie Smurfs? Chicks! They found that after all these years, Smurfville, or whatever that town is named, needed more girls. Hmm. But since Smurfette was the only female to be found, does this mean some little blue dude(s) finally knocked her up? Was there a Smurf equivalent to immaculate conception? We shall have to wait and see.

Oh yeah, Season 1 of the Smurfs is apparently now out on DVD. If I ever get pneumonia and am hopped up on codeine cough syrup or something, I could totally sit through all 345 minutes of that boxed set. I'm just saying. Don't judge me.

For the best list of rejected Smurf names ever, check out this site.

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