Thursday, January 17, 2008

How to look good naked?

I say dim/no lighting and standing far away from a near sighted partner, but that's just me.

But seriously, there is an actual show called "How to Look Good Naked" on the Lifetime channel. It is hosted by Carson Kressley, previously with the show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, who heaps praise on the women as if....well, as if he were actually attracted to women.

So far I've only seen two shows, and they seem to sort of follow the same format. The woman meets with Carson, she drops trou (just bra and panties at this point), and in a 3-way mirror they go over every part of her usually lumpy body. He tells her how absolutely fabulous she is, and usually there is some crying. Then they have a line up of other chicks in their bras and panties, ranging in sizes and lined up according to size. The main girl places herself in the line up according to what size she believes herself to be. She is always way off and assumes herself to be bigger than she is. Then Carson takes her to sit down and mortifies the livin crap out of the woman by showing her that he previously projected her bra and panty clad picture on the side of a building (seriously, a building!) and asked passersby on the street to critique her figure. I keep waiting for someone to lean over and strangle Carson, but that episode has yet to air. Anyway, usually the people on the street have flattering things to say, much to the woman's surprise.

Later in the show comes underwear shopping, clothes shopping and usually some kind of makeover, all leading up to Carson asking the chick to take nude photos as a testament to her new self-love. Tasteful, but nude. I'm not sure why the last step is necessary, except for the naked thing is in the show's title and all. But if you just got done going shopping for new undergarments and clothes to disguise your figure and hide your nakedness, why is nakedness necessary?

At any rate, the show is sort of fascinating. I'm intrigued by their choice of host, but figure women would rather get naked in front of Carson Kressley, than if the show were hosted by Danny Bonaduce or something.

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