Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 5th of July!

Happy day after "Independence" Day, which I have decided to dub "Dependence" Day. What am I dependent on today? Advil and Starbucks. Well technically almost every day is a 'Bux day (we even brew it at home), but today I'm all about the Advil to try to get my back feeling better after all the landscaping we've been doing the past week. Seriously, if I could purchase a Vicodin Frappuccino right now, it would make my day! I wonder if Starbucks has a product development idea hotline.

Our 4th of July was fairly low key. We spent most of the day doing the aforementioned landscaping, then after showering off the layers of dirt, spent the evening in. We watched a bit of fireworks on TV, which seem to me to last longer than they ever did before. To be honest, I started falling asleep about mid way through. Have I seriously become that indifferent about things blowing up that I now doze off? Or am I just old? Either way, sad.

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