Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween, the Pumpkin Edition!

I finally got around to carving up some squishy, gooey, icky pumpkins. There is something that feels mildly surgical about the whole process. As I was pulling stuff out of the inside of the pumpkins I was recalling last night's episode of Gray's Anatomy and how they were pulling intestines out of a patient. How I managed to not lose my lunch is beyond me, but I made it!

The carving part was actually much more fun than I remember. When I was a kid, we carved pumpkins with a dull knife and it always seemed like it jerked all over and you were about to accidentally lose a finger. Hmm...maybe the knives were dull so we didn't lose a finger. Thanks mom! But now I realize that if you buy the little pumpkin carving knife thingie for about a buck, it does a much quicker and more accurate job.

The picture to the left is of pumpkins carved today. It occurred to me as I uploaded the picture that the pumpkin to the right bares a striking resemblance to one of my 7th grade teachers. No offense, man. The picture to the right is of a few fake pumpkins that I did a few years ago, and cuz they're fake, keep bringing out each year.

Happy Halloween!

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