Saturday, October 18, 2008

National Chocolate Cupcake Day

According to the powers that be, today is officially National Chocolate Cupcake Day.

I'm down with that.

Had I known, I would have baked up a batch.

Cupcakes instantly bring a smile to people's faces. Even in this time of national craziness, cupcakes transcend party lines and socioeconomic classes.

In all seriousness, on my master list of Things To Do One Day, is to open a cupcake shop where I will effortlessly create buttercream canopied concoctions, and witness the joy on the faces of people of all ages. In the meantime, I'll just continue the cupcake catering on the down-low (don't tell the IRS). Maybe if it were more than a hobby, the joy of cupcakes would be diminished?

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