Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Finally the day has arrived for little greedy-ass kids to go door-to-door begging people for food. When you're at a light at the highway off ramp and there is a homeless person with a sign asking for food, you avoid eye contact. But when little Tiffany from down the street comes to your door, wearing her Disney princess costume, you gladly heap her with handfuls of candy bars. Funny how that works.

At any rate, I actually bought real pumpkins this year. They have yet to be carved, as I've been avoiding that whole scooping pumpkin guts part. Frankly, the sight and smell of pumpkin innards sort of make me want to vomit, but I shall not let that deter me from the festivities!

I will post pictures of the pumpkins tomorrow, along with anything else I deem to be festive. As a preview, my dog Jasper was included in the pet pictures of one of my favorite gossip blogs (don't judge me!). He is wearing his "Don't scare me, I poop easily" Halloween t-shirt. The funniest part of this shirt is the little noise maker. When Jasper goes to roll over on his back, it activates, and then he chases his tail wondering why his ass is making scary Halloween noises. Quite entertaining, in a probably non-SPCA approved way.

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