Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sorry Fluffy yer a Whopper now?

Earlier I was trying to look up the number of the local Humane Society to see if they could use some old comforters I wanted to get rid of. Iphone map search feature doesn't always turn up the information I wanted. Or am I learning something new about Burger King?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Is there a rating below mindless entertainment?

Seriously, I love some mindless entertainment, as judged by my Tivo habits. Yeah, I tape the occasional documentary, but my true Tivo'ing passion falls more towards shows that provide quick, easy, mindless entertainment. Don't judge me.

One step below the rating of mindless entertainment is the new Gong Show on Comedy Central. Any show that has Triumph the Insult Dog as a judge kind of forewarns the mental level. Below is one of the latest clips.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chicken legs never looked so good

After receiving flack a few months ago with a tv ad that involved two men kissing (Heinz subsequently pulled the ad after threats of boycotts, then was criticized for succumbing to homophobic pressure), the good folks at Heinz have come up with another ad campaign sure to attract notice. The ad is for Heinz "hot" ketchup, in case anyone cares.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gratuitous Cupcake Shot

Aww...panda cupcakey goodness.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vacation Scrapbook

So, about five hours into my much needed beach vacation, I realize my camera is totally skrozzed. Apparently, the hubby went to upgrade the memory card dealie, but it was incompatible. So we trekked out and bought a new memory card thingie, only to realize, the camera was still jacked up beyond repair. Oh well.

So without the capability to actually take pictures of our vacation, there are no actual pictures of our vacation. But never fear! Not wanting to disappoint you all, I've discovered some pictures that are a total depiction of our vacation. Please to enjoy....

View of our Oregon beachfront.

Me listening to my Ipod on the beach.

Hubby and I going out for a casual dinner.

Dancing on the beach with the maid and butler.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Going to the beach

Heading down to Cannon Beach (Oregon) tomorrow morning for a 4-day weekend in what I shall dub my "do-over" vacation. By do-over, I refer to the last time we went to Cannon Beach (picture from our room, to the left). It was Thanksgiving 2007 and after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner that included pumpkin creme brulee, I proceeded to have the most violent flu symptoms in the history of...ever. Things were flying out of numerous places they should not...simultaneously, I might add. I was incapacitated for at least 48 hours. I don't think we're really allowed back at that hotel, which is too bad, because that's the hotel where we were married. Thankfully I didn't have stomach flu the weekend we got married, cuz it SO was not pretty.

So off I go for four days overlooking the ocean. The dogs get to come this time, which they love. And I will be steering clear of anything that resembles creme brulee.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

In the news....

In the second week of Olympic competition, the athletes are getting cranky. Swedish wrestler Ara Abrahamian, shown to the left dry-humping an opponent, tossed down his bronze medal during the official medal ceremony. Well that was kinda rude. And guess what? Now he doesn't get a medal at all for being grouchy and discourteous. So go sit in a corner and think about what you did, Ara, or you will be relegated to a future of making Billy bookcases for your native Ikea.

On a more serious note, Russia is attacking people. Of course, our prez is right on top of it, as shown below.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dog days of Summer.....

If there is reincarnation and stuff, I think I want to come back as a dog. Not like a dog in China that could end up on a restaurant's menu, or an Alaskan Iditarod dog, but a dog like either of mine. My dogs have it extremely easy (photographic proof to the right).

Oh yeah, did you know they make otter pops for dogs? Remember otter pops? Those frozen tubes of fruity chemical and preservative goodness that you could buy in a box of 500 for about $2.00? Yep, PetSmart has them for dogs. In cheese and beef flavor. The dogs were appreciative, by the way.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Got Self-Esteem? Not Now

Apparently, another thing the Chinese government is good at, besides faking birth certificates for underage female gymnasts so they can compete when they are about 8 years younger than the age limit, is permanently scarring the self-esteem of talented child singers.

Yang Peiyi (above left), a talented 7-year old singer, whose voice was determined to be so beautiful it was to be included in the opening ceremony of the Olympics, received a smack-down to her self-esteem by the Chinese government when she was deemed too fugly to perform live. In stepped Lin Miaoke (above right), a well known Chinese child actor in commercials and ads, who proceeded to lip synch to Yang's song.

The Chinese Government's official response to their decision was to say "The child on camera should be flawless in image, internal feelings and expression." The 7-year old was said to have a "chubby face and crooked teeth." Hello? She is 7! Shame on you, China! No wonder nobody likes you (except to produce our electronics, housewares, shoes, computers, televisions, etc.).

Monday, August 11, 2008

RIP Chef

Isaac Hayes passed away this weekend. Although he was a Grammy and Academy Award winning artist and actor, he will always be known to many as "Chef" on South Park.

Here is some typical "Chef" wisdom:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympics starting? Really?

In case you haven't heard, the Olympics start today. Shouldn't they have at least run a commercial or two on NBC announcing the coverage?

Uggh. The next three weeks will be nothing BUT Olympic coverage on tv. Hours upon hours. Days upon days. I don't know about you, but I used to get into the Olympics when I was a kid, but lately they just go on too long. I need the Cliff Notes version of the important stuff, like who won, who broke records, and if any of the male swimmers had a wardrobe malfunction.

Speaking of Olympics, I shall do my best to dig up some pictures in the next few days of my personal Olympic aspirations in the 70s. With nothing to do one summer, and a living room in our parent's house void of any furniture, my sister and I tumbled and cartwheeled our way into what possibly could have been the first sister team of Olympic gymnastic gold medalists. Our specialty was the "flourish" - that exuberant "ta da!!" with arms raised above head at the end of each performance. Truly, our showmanship was unparalleled.

Presumptive Frosting Nominees

If you've had a secret desire to lick the head and/or torso of either of the two presidential candidates, here you go.

Which one do you think would taste better?

Which one would have less carbs?

Which one has more nuts? (Do with that what you will.)

Photo courtesy of The Cupcake Project.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008


For Sale: Stunning yellow chair with elegant silver accents. Mild cat urine scent. Paid $400 in 1972, sacrifice for $375!

Is it just me or does this seem too much like the average Craigslist for sale ad lately? People are getting more clueless.

Now don't get me wrong, I love me some Craigslist. I sold most of my furniture on Craigslist when I moved from California to Washington State in 2005. Some of the items (coffee table, dining set) had originally come from Craiglist, so I believe that's like recycling, right? But lately, and I don't know if it's the sucky economy or what, but people have been listing stuff that not only should NOT be for sale, but selling things they should actually have to PAY to have someone haul away.

The picture above isn't of an actual chair I found on Craigslist, by the way, but I have to admit it is more stylish than many I've seen on there. At least this one has some duct tape on the gaping holes. Some pictures just show the gaping holes and have accompanying ads that claim "minor wear and tear." In one picture I swear I saw an actual animal copping a squat on the item of furniture. Since I've been looking at desks lately on Craigslist, my other pet peeve is people who show a picture of their furniture item while it is covered with so much crap that you can't even tell what the surface looks like. Makes me scared to want to enter that person's home, if they are more than willing to post pictures of their crap-filled decor on a public website. What must the areas of their home that they don't take pictures of look like? Hmmm...

At any rate, I think there needs to be a Craigslist Rules of Conduct. Up near the top of the list needs to be the rule that sellers must preface their ad title with the word "*CRAP*," yep nice and bold like that, if they are selling something that is crap. This would certainly save me a buncha time while looking for something cool.

It's only a matter of time....

Comic courtesy of