Monday, October 5, 2009

Mini Me

After a week spent steam cleaning all the carpets and stairs in the house, we decided, a good next step would be to get a puppy that needs house breaking.

On a lark, we found Maddie, from the same breeder that we got Izzie. Maddie's our second Schnoodle (half schnauzer, half poodle) and is Izzie's "Mini Me." They say two female dogs will not get along (my mom used to say they don't call female dogs bitch for nothing), but they're really enjoying playing together. On occasion, Izzie will have enough of Maddie's non-stop energy and will have to set her straight. I think all the playing has been good for Izzie and they sure are funny to watch together - playing and sleeping.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mad about Mad Men

A few years after everyone has been telling me I need to be watching AMC's Mad Men, I finally get it. I Tivo'd all of season two last week during an AMC marathon of the show. And then after not being able to find season one at any local video store, bought the first season via Itunes.

The verdict is - I'm loving it! It's so retro and cool. Not to mention well written. And Jon Hamm, as Don Draper, is just so freakin' smooth and suave I can't even stand it. The fashions on most of the women (especially that of curvy office manager/vixen Joan), are just so fun.

And yes, I know season three just started yesterday, but don't tell me about it (puts fingers in ears), because I'm only on episode two of season two.

By the way, the picture is how I'd envision myself in that smooth 60s world. Try it yourself at It's swell!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just because

Just random cuteness of a bunny stealing a cookie.

Reminded me of a bunny I had as a kid. It's name was Cookie and it was a white rabbit. We also had a Westie named Willie. Willie's problem was that he "knew" the word "cookie" to mean he was going to get a treat, so he'd get all riled up anytime you talked to the rabbit. Ahh, hilarity ensued...well, maybe because I was about 7 years old it was totally hilarious. Really not that funny now. Oh well.

I think the heat is making me punchy. Did I mention it is over 100 degrees in the Seattle area today? Oh, and it was yesterday also. And it will be for the next few days. And it is muggy and humid too - just general ickiness.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary Man on the Moon

So, if you've watched TV at all this week, somewhere in between the coverage of Michael Jackson's death, and Walter Cronkite's death, was coverage of how today is the 40th anniversary of man stepping foot on the moon. I, of course, don't remember this from when it happened live because I wasn't born yet. I do, however, remember when a man on the moon was the MTV logo (see picture). That was back when MTV (Music TV) had actual music that was played on the network, but I digress.

The most disturbing factoid about the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, a fact that I just realized today, is that I was born roughly 9 months after the moon landing. Why you say is that disturbing? Well, consider this. My older sister was born 9 months after the assasination of JFK. My mother always joked that there was nothing but coverage of JFK on TV for days when that happened and they got bored. Whoa! When the moon landing was on TV, I'm assuming that hogged the airwaves as well. And it would appear that when my parents had their fill of breaking news, their fall back recreational activity of choice was procreation. Ack! Must erase visual of my parents doin' the deed in the 60s. You know it involved some cat glasses (on my mother's part), and some Aqua Velva cologne (on my dad's part), and probably some Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass all over the turn table. Ack!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Tastiest Iphone

An Iphone made entirely of cupcakes! Two great things that go great together!

Speaking of Iphone, I've officially had my new Iphone 3GS for a few weeks now and I have to say it's pretty sweet. I had the original Iphone, but never updated to the 3G last year, so I got the deal on the 3GS.

The 3GS is definitely faster, cuter, etc. and all that other techy stuff I should appreciate. My fave apps these days, in no particular order: Facebook, OmniFocus, PhoneFlicks (Netflix), Word Warp, NetNewsWire, and FML.

Apparently what Willis was talkin' about....

70s sitcom marvel or 2000s building namesake? Why not both? In a brilliant move of nostalgia, Sears tower in Chicago was officially renamed this week in honor of Willis from the 1970s sitcom Diff'rent Strokes.

I shall patiently await further namings of monuments based on sitcoms from my youth. Top on my list? Anything named after anything having to do with The Brady Bunch. Runners up? Anything named after Three's Company, Charlie's Angels, Family Ties, or Growing Pains. Stranger things have happened!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July. However you choose to celebrate.

Picture courtesy of Colbert Nation. He IS America, haven't you heard?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

007 Popsicle

In a UK poll conducted by Del Monte, apparently the most lickable (not likable, but lickable) star is James Bonds' own Daniel Craig. To be fair, the voting options consisted only of Daniel Craig, Hugh Grant (lickable), Jude Law (would taste pretentious), and Tom Jones (seriously?).

So the good folks over at Del Monte (creators of ketchup?), went into production with blueberry, pomegranate, and cranberry flavored "Superfruit Smoothie Lollies" in the likeness of Bond.

The "lollies" are under 100 calories each, not available outside the U.K., and being marketed towards women or anyone who enjoys licking a fruit flavored man torso. Bon Appetit.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Swine Flu

This adorable little child might just be patient zero. Little kids will touch and/or lick almost anything. Little kids are way germy!

But seriously, if I hear one more thing about swine flu, I think I'm going to gag. I was watching television the other night, and they interrupted a show I was watching to talk about how their might be one case of swine flu in Washington State. One. Ooooo....scary! Do they break in on the news every time there is someone driving crazy on the freeway that might kill me a hell of a lot faster than any flu? Nope, they sure don't - because in Washington that would be non-stop coverage.

I know it is important for people out there to get as hygienic as possible when there are potentially fatal flu strains out there, but for those of us that are normally pretty OCD about the hand washing, do we really need to see a news anchor explain that your hands get cleaner if you use soap? I don't think so.

Ok, enough ranting. Little piggies are kind of cute, and I refuse to think they would kill people. Even cuter? Guinea pigs. I had tons of those as a kid, and guess what, I lived to tell about it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Marketing Gone Wrong...

The sad thing is, I bet this product would totally fly off the shelves in certain demographics. Scary.

Bill Maher's SnugWow!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Octomom Costume

You know you're the subject of public mockery when people mock your lifestyle via costume a full SEVEN months before Halloween.

In all seriousness, it's completely sad that a woman with no job, no stable mental pattern, and no means of providing for her children, decides to have 14 of them. Contrast this with the ads every single week in the local papers of people desperate to adopt children. Nadya Suleman's flagrant misuse of her clown car of a uterus to pop out 14 children must be especially annoying to those women not even able to have one child.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Death, Taxes & Ikea

They say nothing is certain except death and taxes. It appears that also certain is that everytime you hit up Ikea and buy yourself a box of Ektorp, Bjursta, or Expedit -- you're diverting money away from "the man" and to a charity of sorts.

The reason Ikea can flourish in this economy, when other firms are floundering, involves not paying taxes...a tactic that I'm sure would help many (but you didn't hear that from me).

More on Ikea's corporate brilliance can be found HERE. Click on the graphic below to enlarge the text.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Glad to Not Be Dating....

It would appear things have changed since the last time I was in the dating scene, according to this picture (courtesy of FailBlog). For this I think I need to be thankful.

Speaking of dating...or, errr, not marks my 2nd wedding anniversary. Hard to believe it has been two whole years! Come to think of it, that is two whole years longer than I've been married to anyone else. He must be a pretty special dude. :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Way My Dog Sees It...

I love the little "The Way I See It" sayings on the back of my Starbucks cups. My dog, however, is not interested in philosophy as much as he's interested in licking the skim milk latte foam out of the cup. Good times.

My recent favorite "The Way I See It":

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating – in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.
- Anne Morriss

Speaking of hydration...

I used to think the new Pepsi logo was trying to capitalize on the Obama "Hope" campaign logo. But according to the Andrew Sullivan blog, it is sending a message of a different sort. Not exactly "Hope," eh?

Koala hydration

With the devastating recent Australian wildfires/arson, comes total and complete cuteness in the form of a thirsty koala. Apparently this Australian firefighter came across a wild koala (which are NOT supposed to be friendly), and after tending to the koala's burnt paws, gave it some bottled water.

You know the makers of that brand of bottled water are going to try to use this in their ads, because it is beyond cute and makes you go awww and want to buy that water.

Maybe even the firefighters will cash in. I would totally buy the typical scantily clad fireman calendar if it had scantily clad firemen AND koalas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas a Box

1. Cut a hole in a box.
2. Put your junk in that box....
3. Please to enjoy this holiday classic from SNL.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

First Snow O' the Year

Yeah, I know it's nuts that I still get excited about snow. Especially since I spent part of my misguided youth having to walk to school (uphill both ways) in deep Michigan snow.

Below are some pics of our yard in the snow. It was mostly an excuse to use my...errr, camera. We got a great deal on a Nikon D40x from friends, and as this is my first non-point and shoot type camera, it's going to be fun to explore.

Snow-covered gargantuan flax plants. And Izzie making sure nobody is messing with our yard.
Our fountain, with a 1" frozen layer of ice in each section.
Snapdragons I planted this summer that refuse to die, even in snow.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

For the Birds

If you don't live in Washington state, you've probably never seen this commercial for the Washington State Lottery. It's cute. But I have a feeling that the bird at the end of the clip is responsible for the ginormous streak of shidoobee that now adorns half my home office window (yep, 2nd story office window that will be hard to clean).

Monday, December 8, 2008

This Week in Celebrity Randomness

Wow. Remember Ralphie from the Christmas classic A Christmas Story? Well Ralphie has grown up into a big ball of blue-eyed, dimpled hotness! He didn't even take the detour of crack addiction that most child actors seem to gravitate towards. At least, not that I know of.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


And don't ask me to 'splain it to you, either.

Photo courtesy of Natalie Dee.

Sometimes kids tell (or draw) it like it is...

By the way, that's supposedly the mommy with a snow shovel at the Home Depot, not workin' the pole. But frankly, I've never seen dudes surrounding a woman at Home Depot flashing a bunch of dollar bills.

Photo courtesy of FailBlog.

Insane Candy Architecture!

This last weekend, the thought of "gee, wouldn't it be fun to make a gingerbread house?" briefly entered my mind. So, today while having a few free moments, I decided to Google some photos for inspiration. And lo and behold, I come across this amazing online photo gallery of an entire gingerbread village!

Seriously, these are the most amazing gingerbread anything I've ever seen. Anywhere. Ever. And now, my perfectionist self knows that surely I'd never create anything a fraction as awesome as these, so I won't try at all. But if I had like 2000 pounds of assorted candy and 3 months of free time, these are totally the gingerbread houses I would make!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Here's John Legend singing about his "nutmeg" on the Colbert Christmas special from last week. John Legend is just so smooth, whereas Stephen Caucasian.

And with lyrics like "the only residue I want you wiping off your face is my nutmeg," seriously how can you go wrong with this holiday ditty?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Smelled Chris Meloni

I have a love/hate relationship with People magazine.

I love People magazine because the articles are short and total fluff. Jeff Goldblum's character in the movie The Big Chill described his job as a People contributing editor by saying "I can't write an article longer than the average person can take the average crap." Not that I'm reading it during that....but I have to say I like short little ADD articles sometimes.

I hate people magazine because of the stigma attached to it. It isn't the same stigma as something like National Enquirer, but being seen with one in public certainly doesn't give you that appearance of "look at me, could I be any smarter?" So I'm forced to read my People magazine in private.

This week, not only am I reading my People magazine in private, but I'm smelling it. Nope, not perfume samples. Scratch and sniff celebrities. When did this happen? I have to say Chris Meloni smelled pretty damn good. Although I love him on Law & Order SVU, sometimes it's hard for me to get out of my mind that he was "Freakshow" in the movie Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle.

I also found myself nose deep in my People magazine smelling Taye Diggs and Michael Phelps (Taye = tasty, Michael = smelled like ass). I also half smelled some other dude that I didn't even know, which furthered my self-induced shame at my whole People magazine reading experience. Shame on you People magazine!

Oh yeah, so you know what I wasn't doing while I was scratching and sniffing random celebrities? Writing my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) novel. As of this weekend, I've officially thrown in the towel on my prospects of getting a 50k novel outta my head and into my laptop in 30 days. Apparently I'm in good company, as only approximately 15% of those who enter the competition actually make it to 50,000 words by November 30th. Yay, quitters! I do, however, have a brilliant idea for a novel in my head, and hope to eventually get it somewhere suitable like the NY Times best seller list. Guess I should do more writing and less celebrity smelling, right? Hmmm...I wonder what Stephen King smells like?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jelly Bellys!

Natalie Dee makes me laugh. Although, gin jelly bellys sound fun!

Political Sigh of Relief

Have you heard? We elected a new president?

Oh man, I could not be more glad that the presidential election is over. It was almost 2 years of constant in-yer-face ads, debates, etc. and it made me sad. If all that money that was spent on campaigning was spent on helping the things that need helping in this country, well....we'd be a lot better off.

On a serious note, I've been sleeping better knowing that Obama is in charge, or will be shortly. There have been very few politicians in my life that I felt this way about. Hmm...not sure I can name any, to be honest. In the past I voted due to a sense of peer pressure (foolishly busted my voter cherry on Dukakis in 1988), or I didn't vote at all (never voted for Clinton). Or there were the years that I voted for the dudes (Gore, Kerry), just because I didn't want the other jackass (Bush) to win. This year I seriously felt that rush of "Hope" that has been making its way around our country. Hope that we can turn this country around, even though it will take some time and a lot of hard work.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The truth about bread

In the aftermath of Halloween and all things carb (did I mention I bought like 300 pieces of candy and we only had 6 kids show up?), below are some things to think about before you go reaching for that bread. Glad this doesn't apply to left-over Halloween candy. :)

13 Undeniable Truths About Bread Eaters:

1. More than 98 percent of convicted felons are bread users.

2. Fully HALF of all children who grow up in bread-consuming households score below average on standardized tests.

3. In the 18th century, when virtually all bread was baked in the home, the average life expectancy was less than 50 years; infant mortality rates were unacceptably high; many women died in childbirth; and diseases such as typhoid, yellow fever, and influenza ravaged whole nations.

4. More than 90 percent of violent crimes are committed within 24 hours of eating bread.

5. Bread has been proven to be addictive. Subjects deprived of bread and given only water to eat begged for bread after as little as two days.

6. Bread is often a “gateway” food item, leading the user to “harder” items such as butter, jelly, peanut butter, and even cold cuts.

7. Bread has been proven to absorb water. Since the human body is more than 90 percent water, it follows that eating bread could lead to your body being taken over by this absorptive food product, turning you into a soggy, gooey bread-pudding person.

8. Newborn babies can choke on bread.

9. Bread is baked at temperatures as high as 400 degrees Fahrenheit! That kind of heat can kill an adult in less than one minute.

10. Most American bread eaters are utterly unable to distinguish between significant scientific fact and meaningless statistical babbling.

11. Almost 100% of child abusers are bread eaters, the same applies to abused women.

12. Most alcoholics are bread eaters as are most heavy narcotic users.

13. The very person that you dislike the most is probably a bread eater.

The moral of this story: DON’T EAT BREAD!

Source: Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb Blog.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween, the Pumpkin Edition!

I finally got around to carving up some squishy, gooey, icky pumpkins. There is something that feels mildly surgical about the whole process. As I was pulling stuff out of the inside of the pumpkins I was recalling last night's episode of Gray's Anatomy and how they were pulling intestines out of a patient. How I managed to not lose my lunch is beyond me, but I made it!

The carving part was actually much more fun than I remember. When I was a kid, we carved pumpkins with a dull knife and it always seemed like it jerked all over and you were about to accidentally lose a finger. Hmm...maybe the knives were dull so we didn't lose a finger. Thanks mom! But now I realize that if you buy the little pumpkin carving knife thingie for about a buck, it does a much quicker and more accurate job.

The picture to the left is of pumpkins carved today. It occurred to me as I uploaded the picture that the pumpkin to the right bares a striking resemblance to one of my 7th grade teachers. No offense, man. The picture to the right is of a few fake pumpkins that I did a few years ago, and cuz they're fake, keep bringing out each year.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Finally the day has arrived for little greedy-ass kids to go door-to-door begging people for food. When you're at a light at the highway off ramp and there is a homeless person with a sign asking for food, you avoid eye contact. But when little Tiffany from down the street comes to your door, wearing her Disney princess costume, you gladly heap her with handfuls of candy bars. Funny how that works.

At any rate, I actually bought real pumpkins this year. They have yet to be carved, as I've been avoiding that whole scooping pumpkin guts part. Frankly, the sight and smell of pumpkin innards sort of make me want to vomit, but I shall not let that deter me from the festivities!

I will post pictures of the pumpkins tomorrow, along with anything else I deem to be festive. As a preview, my dog Jasper was included in the pet pictures of one of my favorite gossip blogs (don't judge me!). He is wearing his "Don't scare me, I poop easily" Halloween t-shirt. The funniest part of this shirt is the little noise maker. When Jasper goes to roll over on his back, it activates, and then he chases his tail wondering why his ass is making scary Halloween noises. Quite entertaining, in a probably non-SPCA approved way.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Election Update

Is it just me, or will everyone else be happy when this presidential election is finally over? It feels like they've been campaigning for years!  At this point, I'm surprised anyone still wants the job. Sort of like signing on to be the captain of a sinking ship.

A few of my recent favorites from

Friday, October 24, 2008

Opie Cunningham gets all political

Just be glad it isn't Marcia Brady. Especially since she just recently admitted she spent time as a crack whore. Hmmm...then again, that could be entertaining.

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

WaMu has failed

Yep, Washington Mutual Bank has dogs. Apparently the combination of WaMu's buyout by JP Morgan Chase, and the $20 million golden parachute they gave their CEO after only 17 days on the job, means WaMu no longer has the money to give my dogs treats at the drive-thru teller. It's a sad day for puppies (picture taken during happier times...for the dogs...and WaMu).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The write stuff!

To christen my newly renovated home office (pics to be posted later once I finish the decorating), I've decided to participate in this year's NaNoWriMo - otherwise known as writing a 50,000 word (roughly 175-page) novel during the month of November.

I plan to have regularly scheduled work time each day. And if I should stall, I fully plan to write about the secrets everyone I've ever known has told me, and to elaborate freely and with wild abandon for my own creative purposes. Hehe, just kidding. Mostly.

I'm fully assuming that as of midnight, November 30th, I will have a huge computer file of totally unreadable crap. Therefore, please don't ask me to read what I've written. To be honest, that is what I hate most about the writing process - when people want to read what you've written. Makes sense, eh? I'm hoping sharing with my writing group and getting the sheer volume of text out of me in November will help with this issue. By this time next year, I may have an actual novel fit to be printed! You heard it here first!

Times are tough all over....

You know times are getting tough when your run-of-the-mill 29-year old dude has to turn to "receiving sexual favors from a vacuum" at a public carwash. According to a Michigan newspaper, that is exactly what happened to this err..gentleman outside of Detroit. I mean, Detroit? Detroit has lotsa hookers. And if you go north a bit and across the border into Canada, prostitution is legal. Or chances are if you go into a bar at closing and buy the drunkest girl a drink or two more, you can get yours if she doesn't pass out.

So at what point to you decide that you want a 75 cent quickie in front of a carwash? Do you know where that vacuum hose has been? If I were a guy I wouldn't want my "junk" on the car mat of most cars, and that is what goes inside that vacuum. Was there cigarette butts and leaves and stuff up in there? And I wonder why the police called it "sexual favors?" Was he returning the favor? Not like the vacuum had much choice after the dude dropped in the coins. Ok, that is all I have to say about that.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

National Chocolate Cupcake Day

According to the powers that be, today is officially National Chocolate Cupcake Day.

I'm down with that.

Had I known, I would have baked up a batch.

Cupcakes instantly bring a smile to people's faces. Even in this time of national craziness, cupcakes transcend party lines and socioeconomic classes.

In all seriousness, on my master list of Things To Do One Day, is to open a cupcake shop where I will effortlessly create buttercream canopied concoctions, and witness the joy on the faces of people of all ages. In the meantime, I'll just continue the cupcake catering on the down-low (don't tell the IRS). Maybe if it were more than a hobby, the joy of cupcakes would be diminished?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Musings, Part deux

Seriously, these dudes make me sad. There are not even words to describe how jacked up the economy is right now, and how most of it was completely due to greedy 'tards running the show (feel free to use that on a bumper sticker).

Musing of the day

"If you're looking for sympathy,
you'll find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary."

--David Sedaris

In other news, it's turning fall here. Leaves dropping, temp dropping, and all that.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Squirrel smarty

Yep, even a squirrel won't vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. And I bet little squirrel dude doesn't go around saying the economy is fundamentally sound, or saying he has foreign policy experience because he can see Russia from his tree. I'm just saying.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Holly Hobbie....

When I was in kindergarten and had the chicken pox, my daddy bought me the Holly Hobbie gazebo to use with all my Holly Hobbie dolls. Score! Back in those days (mid-70s), Holly Hobbie was the symbol of cute and modest innocence. She resembled Laura Ingles Wilder from the Little House on the Prairie series, and had a series of friends in her own image.

Cut to 30 years later. Still named Holly Hobbie, the doll now looks like a cross between Barbie and a Bratz doll. She dresses in jeans instead of a dress, she appears to have make-up and hair extensions, and her signature bonnet has been replaced with a cap. WTF? I doubt they still play in a gazebo. The accompanying friends probably look more like Amy Winehouse, and you can buy little crystal meth accessories to use when you take them to the Holly Hobbie Rave party.

Feeling old.

Never understood why....

Yeah, I never got why it was called a beaver, either. Anybody want to explain?

Another fab cartoon from

P.S. Isn't talking about beaver much more entertaining than talking about the economy?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's weak this week - TV edition

1. Cloris Leachman on ABC's Dancing with the Stars. Watching an 82-year old woman (no matter how talented an actress) do a Latin Mambo in spandex and sequins is akin to watching your grandma receive a bikini wax. Yep, nobody needs to see that.

2. Man boobs. After watching several seasons of NBC's The Biggest Loser, I'm still puzzled as to why the men must take off their shirt before getting on that big scale. It's been reported that the scale is fake, and everyone is weighed in before the show tapes, so removing clothes and revealing big fat man boobies is not only unneccesary, but massively icky. It is also quite the double standard. I mean didn't Janet Jackson receive endless flack for revealing only one pasty-clad boob during a Superbowl? And Janet's boob was much smaller than the man tits on some of these 300+ pound guys. And The Biggest Loser's producers don't just give a quick nip slip sort of shot at the man boobs, rather it is extended past the point of being able to look away. And heaven forbid the naked man boob guy gets happy and jumps around and those bad boys start flopping. It's not good, folks.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pledge of're doin it wrong

This morning I found myself at my first Middle School PTA meeting (yeah, I do that sorta thing now) and at the beginning of the meeting, they asked us to stand for the pledge of allegiance. Since I don't go to many pro sporting events, I'm out of practice. Wait, is it the Pledge of Allegiance at sporting events or the National Anthem? At any rate, I'm apparently a terrorist or something because, first of all, I initially put my hand on the wrong side of my chest. I quickly corrected this, pretending there was a fuzz on my shirt or something. Smooth, eh? Then the recitation starts....

I pledge of allegiance to the flag, of the ..... ..... ... ...... (for serious, I forgot that part) and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, ................... (forgot that part too, and figured since it said God, the last word had to be Amen....which it was not).

At least I wasn't as bad as the phallic-eared bunny in the Matt Groening cartoon below. Man, I forgot about those Life in Hell cartoon strips. I used to have multiple books of them back in the 80s. They were snarky and cynical and good. Maybe that is why I turned out the way I did.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Republican Recap

Yep, I realize I'm over a week late on coverage of the Republican National Convention (RNC). But, as my mama taught me, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Today someone forwarded me some brilliant coverage of the RNC that I somehow missed. By somehow, I mean that lately I go to bed way before Late Night with Conan O'Brien is on the air.

So for your viewing pleasure, below are links to the three-part report extraordinaire from the RNC with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (above, with creator Robert Smigel). The links are from the NBC website (vs. YouTube), so sorry about the commercials, but NBC promptly removes its content from YouTube.

Part 1

Part 2 (my fave)

Part 3

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Nothing like seeing something this shameful to make you feel better about your own diet, right? Any even remotely bad food choice I've made in the last week seems so gastronomically superior if you compare it to the "Krispy Kreme Burger."

This gluttonous burger is supposedly making the rounds at ballpark concession stands. It consists of a cheddar and bacon cheeseburger between two Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. Ummm...eww? Isn't that just like a big 'F*** you!' to your body?

Apparently chef Paula Deen is also a fan. And everyone knows that the Southern Mrs. Deen doesn't even pretend to cook anything that remotely resembles healthy food. I swear she uses a pound of butter on everything. Then again, didn't Julia Child cook that way too? And she lived to be 91! And was a spy! What's up with that? By the way, I was never a big Julia fan, but the book about her, My Life in France, is a good read. She was completely obsessed with the art of cooking.